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Most of us heard about benefits of Magnesium Salt, Dead Sea Salt, and Epsom Salts. They are all called salts but what’s the difference between them and when and how we use them?

Magnesium Chloride:

Magnesium chloride is what’s called a ‘magnesium salt’. It’s a compound of the mineral, magnesium, and the essential electrolyte, chloride. Magnesium is used in hundreds of processes across the body. It’s essential for chemical reactions, the production and transport of energy, synthesis of protein, transmission of nerve signals, muscle function, healthy DNA, and more. We all need magnesium every day. And most of us aren’t getting enough through diet.

Magnesium can help with nerves, muscles, heart, hormones, bones, teeth, and more. It provides relief from stress, improves sleep, reduces pain and has innumerable benefits. That’s because magnesium is an essential mineral for health. Athletes and anyone with chronic body pain, or restless leg syndrome use magnesium. Magnesium also heals the tissue and goes deeper into the tissue. If you have a pain in shoulder for example one generous application of magnesium gel will ease the pain almost immediately. Magnesium will also help to elevate our level of magnesium and often doing it topically is the most effective way as it bypasses digestive tract.

What magnesium help you with:

· severe muscle tension, cramping and restless leg syndrome.

· migraines and headaches - apply it to the neck and skull for pain reduction.

· Children who won’t take magnesium orally can benefit from magnesium chloride -you can put it on soles of their feet before bed or on tummy

· Some people find relief from skin conditions, like eczema and acne when they use transdermal magnesium.

Magnesium i use in my products is: Zechstein Magnesium

It is magnesium in its purest form and comes from Zechstein seabed in magnesium. Some 250 million years ago the Zechstein Sea was saltwater sea. Magnesium chloride, a natural salt of magnesium, was plentiful in this sea and concentrated by a combination of flooding by sea waters and slow evaporation. Over time, these dense waters found their way deep into underground deposits, slowly accumulating through fissures in the earth over millions of years, trapped underground by overlying rock. This unadulterated pure magnesium chloride is drawn from the ancient Zechstein Seabed from approximately 2 miles beneath the surface of the earth. The striking difference between the Dead Sea and the Zechstein Sea is the fact that the Zechstein Sea was active in an age millions of years prior to man’s industrialization and pollution of our water supplies, in a time where dinosaurs still roamed the earth. The Zechstein salt beds are a perfectly preserved giving us pure magnesium chloride as it existed in its natural state, millions of years ago.

Dead Sea salts:

The Dead Sea salts come from sea located between Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. It is the lowest geographical spot in the world and the saltiest body of water on Earth. The salt has been harvested for thousands of years and used in medicine and natural beauty remedies. It is rich in magnesium, calcium, sulfur, bromide, sodium, potassium, and iodine, which beneficial for body’s skin, hair, and nails.

in 2005 studies the study participants submerged one forearm in a water solution containing 5% Dead Sea salts for 15 minutes. They submerged the other arm in tap water. The researchers assessed their skin quality at the beginning of the study as well as once per week over the course of 6 weeks. By the end of the study, they noted that those who had submerged their skin in Dead Sea salts had better skin hydration and reduced signs of roughness and inflammation.

Magnesium heals the tissues

The sulfur- a natural disinfectant

The potassium adds moisture to the skin

Zinc treats and cures acne

Calcium accelerates the growth of nails

Bromide wakens the skin to life.

Dead sea salts properties usually utilized in detoxification and beautification. One-way Dead Sea Salts can be used is to add them to a balm or oil and exfoliate problem areas. Small bumps or cellulite, the high sulphate levels of these natural salts can detoxify, while the grainy texture can shift blemishes and stimulate blood flow.

Epsom salt, named for a spring at Epsom in Surrey, England, is not actually salt but a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. They are sourced either from naturally occurring springs or are created from synthetic materials.

Epsom salts have a key function in soothing muscles and aiding recovery from sporting injuries, swollen joints, and aches and pains. Add them to your bath after massage, also perfect for after a big gym session, a long day of work or a sprain or strain.

Other uses:

Remove splinters: Soak affected skin area in an Epsom salt bath to draw out the splinter.

Soothe sprains and bruises: Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak to reduce muscle soreness, pain and the swelling of sprains and bruises.

Exfoliate dead skin: In the shower or bath, mix a handful of Epsom salt with a tablespoon of bath or olive oil and rub all over your wet skin to exfoliate and soften. Rinse thoroughly.

Exfoliating face cleanser: To clean your face and exfoliate skin at the same time, mix a half-teaspoon of Epsom salt with your regular cleansing cream. Gently massage into skin and rinse with cold water.

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